
Friday, October 13, 2006

A Joke or a Tactless Remark

The COMELEC and the Department of Defense had signed and agreement limiting the military's role in the ypcoming elections. I suppose this is to convince the people that the 2007 elections will be credible, really?

We all know how the well-oiled machinery of cheaters are still lurking in COMELEC's midst. To say that there will be no "Hello Garci" controversy as Garcillano is no longer a part of the institution is a big joke. Abalos may have unwittingly confirmed that indeed Garcillano was able to pull a fast one on the electorate during the last elections.

So what if Garci is longer there, we all know his henchmen are still around and assigned to even juicier positions. Couple that with '04 generals who have been promoted while those who blew the whistle are facing court martial. Abalos and Esperon give themsleves too much credit. We know who pulls the strings and who has the appointing power. We all know that the administration never plays by the rules. If the rules suit them, its accepted but if it goes against them, they will cut corners and interpret it some other way.

If Abalos made the comment in jest, it certainly isn't funny. Up to now, the unanswered questions behind the '04 elections still leaves a bad taste in the mouth. It has plunged the country into more crisis and instability. The administration's frantic response to quell the tide of dissent had been full of unnconstitutional acts.

Esperon has no credibility either. His continued disservice and disloyalty to the people and constitution had made him into the personal bodyguard of the impostor in the palace. No MOA or pronouncement of indenpendence from this two will convince the people of their impartiality. Its obvious that they serve at their master's every whim. So who do they think they are fooling this time around?

The fact remains that with the cloud of doubt hanging over the COMELEC's head, no election will be credible with Abalos at the helm. The COMELEC's honest employees will forever be associated with the "Hello Garci" even if they had been doing an honest job. The rotten eggs couldn't care less as they have been already rewarded for their "services".

The AFP as an institution is also a casualty in all this. But the top brass doesn't care. As long as the pretender "pays" them handsomely, the generals will continue to serve her. The poor foot soldier will be abused time and again by the very officers who command them. With the doctrine of chain of command instilled in them, obedience to this code will forever tie their hands.

The "Garci Tapes" is no joke, the current commissioners in the COMELEC will never regain their credibility. The electorate will always be suspicious of the elections as long as the same people are in the COMELEC. As for me, wary as I may be of the integrity of the elections, I will still vote and be more vigilant this time around. All democratic means to express my sentiments had been mocked by this administration. I will make them pay come election time.